Rcmdecoder is a platform offering healthcare providers advanced options for revenue recovery. It recovers lost revenue due to claim denials, coding errors, and inefficiencies. It offers...
deskbird is a workplace app that simplifies hybrid office management. The platform provides a smooth experience, allowing users to easily check the office’s occupancy and adjust...
Appiphony is a Product Development Outsourcer based in Chicago, IL. that wanted to advertise its newest app on the Salesforce AppExchange. As the name suggests, Drive...
Knowledgeworks is a foundation that develops education models for personalized, student-centered, and competency-based learning. They structure the entire curriculum and provide media and resources to aid...
Vegan.io is a personalized vegan planner that helps people follow their vegan diet without the stress of coming up with recipes, tracking nutritional information, or even...
The team at Channel Bakers had a very clear vision of the animation they wanted to be included in a bespoke video that communicates an understanding...
NetBramha Studios is a team of young and innovative UI/UX designers on a mission to disrupt the corporate business world with a fresh and colorful design...
JT Global came to us with an idea of creating a corporate explainer video promoting their brand-new cloud-based PBX system which provides an alternative to traditional...
Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency platform in the world, so it is no surprise that it’s biggest issue is scalability. Ethereum Plasma provides a solution to...
Fyllo’s product Compass is an automated system, created to aid cannabis providers. It scans cannabis-related digital assets for any non-compliant content and notifies you so you...
This is a great example of a quintessential explainer video – it explains the concept of blockchain in an engaging and easy-to-understand way to an audience...