WebApp Animated Video

deskbird is a workplace app that simplifies hybrid office management. The platform provides a smooth experience, allowing users to easily check the office’s occupancy and adjust their schedule accordingly. Its most significant selling point is the user-friendly options and intuitive interface.


Create a product explainer video that shows the application’s benefits and ease of use.

  • Industry

    IT and other office-based

  • Style

    Motion graphics, UI animation

  • Usage

    Website, Social media channels

  • Impressions


  • CTR


  • Avg. Viewing Duration

    48 seconds

Challenges and Goals.

The primary challenge we faced was demonstrating the simplicity of the application professionally and cleanly while also captivating the audience and leaving a lasting impression. The goal of the explainer video was to establish the platform as the perfect solution for the target audience’s needs: to effortlessly coordinate hybrid work in a collaborative and straightforward way. Through sleek design and compelling storytelling, we emphasized that simplicity and versatility shouldn’t be mutually exclusive.

Research and Strategy.

The process began with a detailed conversation with our customer, where we discussed their needs and target audience. Understanding the target audience and their main pain points helped us build a working strategy for the video. The product caters to office employees in companies with flexible working models, primarily in the IT and SaaS fields. These individuals, known for their analytical approach to choosing products and services, typically shop around and evaluate the competition before deciding. Therefore, our strategy was to adopt a rational tone and get straight to the point with the narrative.

Visual Identity.

For the style, we focused on clean and professional motion graphics. To highlight the product, we designed an abstract representation of the software on a purple background consistent with the brand’s color palette. The colors in the video contribute to the friendly and positive tone aligned with the brand’s personality. Since we aimed for a professional style with an emphasis on efficiency, users are presented as avatars. The purple background is complimented with subtle moving shapes that add dimension and dynamism to the video.

Animating the UI.

Given the analytical mindset of the target audience, we aimed to provide proof that the application was what they needed. The best way to show this was by offering a demo of its rich functionality and intuitive interface. The simplified UI allows the viewer to focus on the essential parts. Displaying a condensed mockup of the interface is also practical; if the product design changes or new functions are added, the product video can be quickly and easily edited to reflect these modifications.


Our client at deskbird reported that the explainer video we produced helped them reach a substantial number of views and gain new subscribers. The video also performed above the average on the following KPIs:

4.4K impressions
12.2% CTR (with an average CTR on YouTube being between 2% and 10%)

At only 90 seconds, the average view duration is 48 seconds.

This indicates that most viewers watch more than half of the video, another above-average statistic compared to most YouTube content.

Client Testimonial
We are very delighted with the video and it has become a great addition to our product-marketing strategy!
Graziella Moschella

Senior Content Marketing Manager

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