How to Sell to a Highly Targeted Audience with Video Animation
Does your business sell to an exclusive and highly targeted audience? It’s time to create a video animation to promote your product. But selling to a narrow segment of viewers is tricky – what are the best style, tone, and language to use to influence their decision?
We use a real-life example with a case study of a video animation we produced for a boutique brokerage firm. Our client report that using this video has been 10 times more effective to secure meetings with prospects than any other marketing materials they’ve used.
Answering customer pain points in a video animation
When selling to a highly targeted audience, our clients typically wonder how to address all the pain points they have in one video. While the video can answer your prospect’s concerns and show them the solution, it is best to focus on solving one main problem rather than answering everything in one video. Otherwise, your video will become too long and boring to watch and fail to engage.
Remember that the goal of the video is to sell the click, while the goal of your landing page is to sell the product. So, if your video is created in a way that grabs people’s attention, you can direct them to your website, where they can learn more about all the awesome features you have and close the sale after that.
Goals and method of delivery
We always start with the goals and what we want the video to achieve after it’s been published. In this case, the primary goal was top-of-funnel awareness. The task was to create a video that would impress the target audience and engage them. In specific terms, the goal was to acquire five new customers in one year. Level 3 reports they have reached that goal in the first eight months after the video brochure was sent.
Our client had decided to approach a shortlist of hyper-targeted leads with a video brochure. This gave us a great opportunity to play around with the format and come up with catchy and engaging ideas. We firmly believe that in order to look professional and retain a personal touch, every video concept needs take into account the usage and the environment.
Target audience
Our target audience consisted of a more conservative type of people, but also ones that are tired of the status quo and would trust someone who thinks outside the box. So we decided to take a different approach than just another corporate video. The decision-makers, in this case, are CFOs. We knew they received a ton of emails and other marketing materials every day, so we had to create a video that really stood out.
Our decisions
Once we established the target audience and the main objectives of the video, we started the production process by crafting the script. We came up with a script that ‘speaks’ the target audience’s language, so we can ensure we connect with the prospects from the first second.
We decided to approach the visuals differently, by having scenes where the main character ‘speaks’ to the viewer, as if he’s coming outside of the video brochure. This made the video more personal and was a creative touch that the prospects loved.
We made sure the main character in the video resembled the target viewer and the way they look. The way we did that was by analyzing their behavior, looks, and character. The supporting characters were also based on real office workers and very realistic in their looks and behavior.
Remember, the more your customers relate to the characters in the video, the more engaged they’ll be. The whole point of having a character is to have them sparkle emotions from the viewer, so make sure they’re relevant.
We added a few funny scenes in there, again taking into account the characteristics and behavior of the target audience.
The end result
The result was amazing. The client estimated that the video immediately returned its investment and utilizing the video was ten times more effective to secure meetings with target viewers than any traditional marketing materials. The video animation provided the firm’s prospects with a clear picture of what sets their business apart from the competition. The style and tone reinforce the idea that Level 3 does things differently and seeks people who are willing to disrupt the obsolete and ineffective status quo.
The company keeps growing in both customers and employees and continues to successfully use the video animation we produced in their marketing strategy to this day.
Have you pinpointed your target audience? If you need help determining the best way to find your market segment, download our free eBook below.
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